Monday 2 March 2009

Condolence Message Sample

Condolence Message Sample That Contains Some Sympathetic Words of Condolence For The Expression of Your Sympathy for Your Affected Friends or Loved-Ones!



It was really with a great sense of loss when I/we came to know about your (insert relation- mom/dad)'s death.

Well, I/we sympathetically wanted to let you aware that our/my greatest condolence and sympathies are always with you throughout your life because the person you have lost is no doubt the most precious gift from God I/we and you could ever have had.

(insert name) was more than a wonderful person; he/she was always so praiseworthy, respectful & considerate to us that we always welcomed seeing him/her at every opportunity.

My hearts bear the witness that his/her departure from this world will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who acquainted with him.

(insert name) will always remain in the deepest portion of hearts and its every beat sounds like if it is imploring God to rest his/her soul in peace and serenity. May God give you the strength to bear this unavoidable and rest your soul with peace and endurance.

If there is anything that we can do to help in your in any way, please never hesitate to call us at anytime. I'll always try to be there to assist you with the best of my abilities.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are always with you!

With our deepest sympathy,

(Your full name)


[Condolence Message Sample - POST END]